There will never be a more critical time for extending a hand of blessing to Israel and her people. Here are some practical actions to take now:
1. Equip yourself with reliable information.
Become familiar with the basics of history in the Middle East., as well as with the realities of what is going on in the region today. Share what you learn with others. Check the Israel Christian Nexus website often for important teachings and Israel updates. You also can receive Israel Updates and teachings from ICN’s leaders. Other sources of timely and accurate information on events in the region are Middle East Media Research Institute at, Eagles’ Wings at, and Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America at
2. Be faithful to the Bible’s call to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. (Psalms 22:6), and to pray that our nation will govern in the light of Genesis 12:1-3… “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shalt all the families of the earth be blessed …”
3. Make plans to visit Israel.
You will be blessed as you provide encouragement and practical support for the hurting Israeli economy.
4. Speak out against terrorism and anti-Semitism.
Look into volunteer and advocacy activities. Relay your concerns to elected officials and to the media. The Israel Christian Nexus offers meaningful volunteer opportunities.
5. Purchase Israeli products – art, Judaica, software, skin care products, jewelry, food items, technology. You will not only be getting high quality items, you will be boosting Israel’s economy.